#eye #eye

To participate, please fill the online assessment form by clicking 

As we are adapting to the effusive after-effects of living through the sudden irregularities teased out by the pandemic, how to awake the memory of our tactile sensitivity? Could videoconference become a medium of creation, rather than a medium of translation or dissemination? What informal language can we grasp and learn from improvising with the spatiotemporal aesthetics of videoconferencing communication, such as glitch, audio-visual interval and latency?

The Best Facial is an internet-situated participatory performance that attempts to seek new sensorimotor gestural channels and perceptual pathways through spatiotemporal encounters online, especially working in concurrency with the Covid-19 pandemic in the real-time. How to fictionalize virtual touch to awake physical sensations and to mark an idea of linkage between the telematic performativity of the body and corporeal haptic desire?

Can you feel me touching you with your eyes?  Do you smell hope? 

During the online participatory session, the participant’s face will embody a heterotopic “skin-space”, where I will be using distant touching to visually mark the idea of linkage through virtual reflexology, which accentuates on the exchange of energy. Together, we will discover what we are becoming as human beings, while rediscovering the sensitivity and responsiveness that have been lying dormant.


💥️ This is a research project conducted by Ada Xiaoyu Hao for her Ph.D. research project, titled: 'Performativity, Subjectivity, and Intersectionality in Performance Art Practice' at School of Art, University of Brighton.

💥️ All data collected through the participation form will only be used for the 1-to-1 performance and archived annonymously by Ada Xiaoyu Hao for research. With the participant’s permission, the visual documentation of the performance will collected and securely stored in a password protected hard drive by Ada Xiaoyu Hao for her PhD research project. The visual documentation of the online performance will also be used for research related activities (conference, journal article, and online work dissemination), with the participant’s consent.  At any point, participants can ask Ada Xiaoyu Hao to delete their data from the data set collection or to be removed from the research, under any circumstances. This will not exclude the audience from participating.  


💥️ Q&A 💥️

💦️ 1. What will happen if I agree to take part?

If you agree to take part in this performance we will agree a time to hold a 45 minutes Zoom call. Ideally the call should take place at a time when you can relax without distractions in a calm, private space. 

Before the performance begins, we will agree on a set of ground rules where we jointly agree what kind of activities and behaviours will form part of the performance.  After the performance, there will be time allowed for a ‘debrief’ for participants to reflect upon the session, ask any questions or raise anything that may be of concern. 

If at any point you do not want to continue the performance, or if you feel distressed and would like to stop, you can end our interaction at any time. In all cases I will follow-up with an email and should it be needed I can provide information on relevant sources of support. Additionally, support services will be listed on the information sheet should participants want additional support.

💦️ 2. Data storage and privacy

This is a one-to-one performance.  There will be no audience.  With your consent I will record the performance.  All recordings will be stored securely on a password protected hard drive.  You can then decide if you consent to me retaining a copy of the recording that:

1.)  is not shared with anyone

2.)  I can share for research purposes, for example, at conferences or workshops, but not beyond this

3.)  I can share this publicly via Vimeo and YouTube

Whichever option you choose, your name and any other identifying details will not be associated with the recording (but you will be clearly identifiable from your visual image).

Data collected through the participation form will be used by the artist (Ada Xiaoyu Hao) to inform the performance.  Following the performance this data will be anonymised and securely stored on a password protected hard drive. 

At any point, participants can ask Ada Xiaoyu Hao to delete the video recording of the performance they participated in and the data collected from the form.